Source code for cocotb.types.logic

# Copyright cocotb contributors
# Licensed under the Revised BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import typing
from functools import lru_cache

LogicT = typing.TypeVar("LogicT", bound="Logic")
LogicLiteralT = typing.Union[str, int, bool]
LogicConstructibleT = typing.Union[LogicLiteralT, "Logic"]

_0 = 0
_1 = 1
_X = 2
_Z = 3

_literal_repr: typing.Dict[LogicLiteralT, int] = {
    # 0 and weak 0
    False: _0,
    0: _0,
    "0": _0,
    "L": _0,
    "l": _0,
    # 1 and weak 1
    True: _1,
    1: _1,
    "1": _1,
    "H": _1,
    "h": _1,
    # unknown, unassigned, and weak unknown
    "X": _X,
    "x": _X,
    "U": _X,
    "u": _X,
    "W": _X,
    "w": _X,
    "-": _X,
    # high impedance
    "Z": _Z,
    "z": _Z,

[docs] class Logic: r""" Model of a 4-value (``0``, ``1``, ``X``, ``Z``) datatype commonly seen in HDLs. .. currentmodule:: cocotb.types This is modeled after (System)Verilog's 4-value ``logic`` type. VHDL's 9-value ``std_ulogic`` type maps to this type by treating weak values as full strength values and treating "uninitialized" (``U``) and "don't care" (``-``) as "unknown" (``X``). :class:`Logic` can be converted to and from :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`bool`, and :class:`Bit` by using the appropriate constructor syntax. The list of values convertable to :class:`Logic` includes ``0``, ``1``, ``True``, ``False``, ``"0"``, ``"1"``, ``"X"``, ``"Z"``, ``Bit('0')``, and ``Bit('1')``. For a comprehensive list of values that can be converted into :class:`Logic` see :file:`tests/pytest/`. .. code-block:: python3 >>> Logic("X") Logic('X') >>> Logic(True) Logic('1') >>> Logic(1) Logic('1') >>> Logic(Bit(0)) Logic('0') >>> Logic() # default value Logic('X') >>> str(Logic("Z")) 'Z' >>> bool(Logic(0)) False >>> int(Logic(1)) 1 >>> Bit(Logic("1")) Bit('1') .. note:: The :class:`int` and :class:`bool` conversions will raise :exc:`ValueError` if the value is not ``0`` or ``1``. :class:`Logic` values are immutable and therefore hashable and can be placed in :class:`set`\ s and used as keys in :class:`dict`\ s. :class:`Logic` supports the common logic operations ``&``, ``|``, ``^``, and ``~``. .. code-block:: python3 >>> def full_adder(a: Logic, b: Logic, carry: Logic) -> typing.Tuple[Logic, Logic]: ... res = a ^ b ^ carry ... carry_out = (a & b) | (b & carry) | (a & carry) ... return res, carry_out >>> full_adder(a=Logic('0'), b=Logic('1'), carry=Logic('1')) (Logic('0'), Logic('1')) Args: value: value to construct into a :class:`Logic`. Raises: ValueError: if the value cannot be constructed into a :class:`Logic`. """ __slots__ = ("_repr",) _repr: int _default = _X _valid = {_X, _0, _1, _Z} @classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _make(cls: typing.Type[LogicT], _repr: int) -> LogicT: """enforce singleton""" self = object.__new__(cls) self._repr = _repr return typing.cast(LogicT, self) def __new__( cls: typing.Type[LogicT], value: typing.Optional[LogicConstructibleT] = None, ) -> LogicT: if isinstance(value, Logic): # convert Logic _repr = value._repr elif value is None: _repr = cls._default else: # convert literal try: _repr = _literal_repr[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "{!r} is not convertible to a {}".format(value, cls.__qualname__) ) from None if _repr not in cls._valid: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a valid {}".format(value, cls.__qualname__)) obj = cls._make(_repr) return obj if not typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover # mypy currently does not support lru_cache on __new__ __new__ = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(__new__) def __and__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return type(self)( ( ("0", "0", "0", "0"), ("0", "1", "X", "X"), ("0", "X", "X", "X"), ("0", "X", "X", "X"), )[self._repr][other._repr] ) def __rand__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: return self & other def __or__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return type(self)( ( ("0", "1", "X", "X"), ("1", "1", "1", "1"), ("X", "1", "X", "X"), ("X", "1", "X", "X"), )[self._repr][other._repr] ) def __ror__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: return self | other def __xor__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return type(self)( ( ("0", "1", "X", "X"), ("1", "0", "X", "X"), ("X", "X", "X", "X"), ("X", "X", "X", "X"), )[self._repr][other._repr] ) def __rxor__(self: LogicT, other: LogicT) -> LogicT: return self ^ other def __invert__(self: LogicT) -> LogicT: return type(self)(("1", "0", "X", "X")[self._repr]) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return self._repr == other._repr def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._repr def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({!r})".format(type(self).__qualname__, str(self)) def __str__(self) -> str: return ("0", "1", "X", "Z")[self._repr] def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self._repr in {_0, _1}: return bool(self._repr) raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {self!r} to bool") def __int__(self) -> int: if self._repr in {_0, _1}: return int(self._repr) raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {self!r} to int")
[docs] class Bit(Logic): r""" Model of a 2-value (``0``, ``1``) datatype commonly seen in HDLs. .. currentmodule:: cocotb.types This is modeled after (System)Verilog's 2-value ``bit`` type. VHDL's ``bit`` type maps to this type perfectly. :class:`Bit` is a proper subtype of :class:`Logic`, meaning a use of :class:`Logic` can be substituted with a :class:`Bit`. Some behavior may surprise you if you do not expect it. .. code-block:: python3 >>> Bit(0) == Logic(0) True >>> Bit(0) in {Logic(0)} True :class:`Bit` can be converted to and from :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`bool`, and :class:`Logic` by using the appropriate constructor syntax. The list of values convertable to :class:`Bit` includes ``0``, ``1``, ``True``, ``False``, ``"0"``, ``"1"``, ``Logic('0')``, and ``Logic('1')``. For a comprehensive list of values that can be converted into :class:`Bit` see :file:`tests/pytest/`. .. code-block:: python3 >>> Bit("0") Bit('0') >>> Bit(True) Bit('1') >>> Bit(1) Bit('1') >>> Bit(Logic(0)) Bit('0') >>> Bit() # default value Bit('0') >>> str(Bit("0")) '0' >>> bool(Bit(False)) False >>> int(Bit(1)) 1 >>> Logic(Bit("1")) Logic('1') :class:`Bit` values are hashable and can be placed in :class:`set`\ s and used as keys in :class:`dict`\ s. :class:`Bit` supports the common logic operations ``&``, ``|``, ``^``, and ``~``. .. code-block:: py3 >>> def mux(a: Bit, b: Bit, s: Bit) -> Bit: ... return (a & ~s) | (b & s) >>> a = Bit(0) >>> b = Bit(1) >>> sel = Bit(1) # choose second argument >>> mux(a, b, sel) Bit('1') Args: value: value to construct into a :class:`Bit`. Raises: ValueError: if the value cannot be constructed into a :class:`Bit`. """ __slots__ = () _default = _0 _valid = {_0, _1}