Installing the Development Version

We are assuming here that you have installed the prerequisites.

The instructions for installing the development version of cocotb vary depending on your operating system:

The development version of cocotb can be installed globally by running

pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32

See also the pip User Guide.

The development version of cocotb can be installed globally by running

pip install

This requires administrator permissions.

In order to install only for your current user, run

pip install --user

See also the pip User Guide.


pip may belong to a different Python installation to what you expect. Use pip -V to check. If this prints “(python 2.7)”, use pip3 or python3 -m pip in place of pip in the command shown.

After installation, you should be able to execute cocotb-config. If it is not found, you need to append its location to the PATH environment variable. This may happen when you use the --user option to pip, in which case the location is documented here.