Source code for cocotb_bus.drivers.amba

# Copyright cocotb contributors
# Copyright (c) 2014 Potential Ventures Ltd
# Licensed under the Revised BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Drivers for Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture."""

import array
import enum
import itertools
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import cocotb
from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
from cocotb.triggers import ClockCycles, Combine, Lock, ReadOnly, RisingEdge

from cocotb_bus.drivers import BusDriver

class AXIBurst(enum.IntEnum):
    FIXED = 0b00
    INCR = 0b01
    WRAP = 0b10

class AXIxRESP(enum.IntEnum):
    OKAY = 0b00
    EXOKAY = 0b01
    SLVERR = 0b10
    DECERR = 0b11

class AXIProtocolError(Exception):
    def __init__(self,  message: str, xresp: AXIxRESP):
        self.xresp = xresp

class AXIReadBurstLengthMismatch(Exception):

[docs]class AXI4Master(BusDriver): """AXI4 Master TODO: Kill all pending transactions if reset is asserted. """ _signals = [ "AWVALID", "AWADDR", "AWREADY", "AWID", "AWLEN", "AWSIZE", "AWBURST", "WVALID", "WREADY", "WDATA", "WSTRB", "BVALID", "BREADY", "BRESP", "BID", "ARVALID", "ARADDR", "ARREADY", "ARID", "ARLEN", "ARSIZE", "ARBURST", "RVALID", "RREADY", "RRESP", "RDATA", "RID", "RLAST"] _optional_signals = ["AWREGION", "AWLOCK", "AWCACHE", "AWPROT", "AWQOS", "WLAST", "ARREGION", "ARLOCK", "ARCACHE", "ARPROT", "ARQOS"] def __init__(self, entity: SimHandleBase, name: str, clock: SimHandleBase, **kwargs: Any): BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, name, clock, **kwargs) # Drive some sensible defaults (setimmediatevalue to avoid x asserts) self.bus.AWVALID.setimmediatevalue(0) self.bus.WVALID.setimmediatevalue(0) self.bus.ARVALID.setimmediatevalue(0) self.bus.BREADY.setimmediatevalue(1) self.bus.RREADY.setimmediatevalue(1) # Set the default value (0) for the unsupported signals, which # translate to: # * Transaction IDs to 0 # * Region identifier to 0 # * Normal (non-exclusive) access # * Device non-bufferable access # * Unprivileged, secure data access # * No QoS unsupported_signals = [ "AWID", "AWREGION", "AWLOCK", "AWCACHE", "AWPROT", "AWQOS", "ARID", "ARREGION", "ARLOCK", "ARCACHE", "ARPROT", "ARQOS"] for signal in unsupported_signals: try: getattr(self.bus, signal).setimmediatevalue(0) except AttributeError: pass # Mutex for each channel to prevent contention self.write_address_busy = Lock(name + "_awbusy") self.read_address_busy = Lock(name + "_arbusy") self.write_data_busy = Lock(name + "_wbusy") self.read_data_busy = Lock(name + "_rbusy") self.write_response_busy = Lock(name + "_bbusy") @staticmethod def _check_length(length: int, burst: AXIBurst) -> None: """Check that the provided burst length is valid.""" if length <= 0: raise ValueError("Burst length must be a positive integer") if burst is AXIBurst.INCR: if length > 256: raise ValueError("Maximum burst length for INCR bursts is 256") elif burst is AXIBurst.WRAP: if length not in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16): raise ValueError("Burst length for WRAP bursts must be 1, 2, " "4, 8 or 16") else: if length > 16: raise ValueError("Maximum burst length for FIXED bursts is 16") @staticmethod def _check_size(size: int, data_bus_width: int) -> None: """Check that the provided transfer size is valid.""" if size > data_bus_width: raise ValueError("Beat size ({} B) is larger than the bus width " "({} B)".format(size, data_bus_width)) elif size <= 0 or size & (size - 1) != 0: raise ValueError("Beat size must be a positive power of 2") @staticmethod def _check_4kB_boundary_crossing(address: int, burst: AXIBurst, size: int, length: int) -> None: """Check that the provided burst does not cross a 4kB boundary.""" if burst is AXIBurst.INCR: last_address = address + size * (length - 1) if address & ~0xfff != last_address & ~0xfff: raise ValueError( "INCR burst with start address {:#x} and last address " "{:#x} crosses the 4kB boundary {:#x}, which is forbidden " "in a single burst" .format(address, last_address, (address & ~0xfff) + 0x1000)) async def _send_write_address( self, address: int, length: int, burst: AXIBurst, size: int, delay: int, sync: bool ) -> None: """Send the write address, with optional delay (in clocks)""" async with self.write_address_busy: if sync: await RisingEdge(self.clock) await ClockCycles(self.clock, delay) # Set the address and, if present on the bus, burst, length and # size self.bus.AWADDR <= address self.bus.AWVALID <= 1 if hasattr(self.bus, "AWBURST"): self.bus.AWBURST <= burst.value if hasattr(self.bus, "AWLEN"): self.bus.AWLEN <= length - 1 if hasattr(self.bus, "AWSIZE"): self.bus.AWSIZE <= size.bit_length() - 1 # Wait until acknowledged while True: await ReadOnly() if self.bus.AWREADY.value: break await RisingEdge(self.clock) await RisingEdge(self.clock) self.bus.AWVALID <= 0 async def _send_write_data( self, address, data: Sequence[int], burst: AXIBurst, size: int, delay: int, byte_enable: Sequence[Optional[int]], sync: bool ) -> None: """Send the write data, with optional delay (in clocks).""" # Helper function for narrow bursts def mask_and_shift(value: int, block_size: int, block_num: int) -> int: return (value & (2**block_size - 1)) << (block_num * block_size) # [0x33221100, 0x77665544] --> [0x221100XX, 0x66554433] def unalign_data( data: Sequence[int], size_bits: int, shift: int ) -> List[int]: padded_data = (0,) + tuple(value for value in data) low_mask = 2**(size_bits - shift) - 1 high_mask = (2**shift - 1) << (size_bits - shift) return [(padded_data[i] & high_mask) >> (size_bits - shift) | (padded_data[i + 1] & low_mask) << shift for i in range(len(data))] strobes = [] byte_enable_iterator = iter(byte_enable) try: for i in range(len(data)): current_byte_enable = next(byte_enable_iterator) strobes.append(2**size - 1 if current_byte_enable is None else current_byte_enable) except StopIteration: # Fill the remaining strobes with the last one if we have reached # the end of the iterator strobes += [strobes[-1]] * (len(data) - i) # Unalign the words and strobes (if unaligned and not FIXED) if address % size != 0: shift = (address % size) * 8 if burst is AXIBurst.FIXED: data = [(word << shift) & (2**(size * 8) - 1) for word in data] strobes = \ [(strb << shift // 8) & (2**size - 1) for strb in strobes] else: data = unalign_data(data, size * 8, shift) strobes = unalign_data(strobes, size, address % size) async with self.write_data_busy: if sync: await RisingEdge(self.clock) wdata_bytes = len(self.bus.WDATA) // 8 narrow_block = (address % wdata_bytes) // size for beat_num, (word, strobe) in enumerate(zip(data, strobes)): await ClockCycles(self.clock, delay) self.bus.WVALID <= 1 self.bus.WDATA <= mask_and_shift(word, size * 8, narrow_block) self.bus.WSTRB <= mask_and_shift(strobe, size, narrow_block) if burst is not AXIBurst.FIXED: narrow_block = (narrow_block + 1) % (wdata_bytes // size) if hasattr(self.bus, "WLAST"): if beat_num == len(data) - 1: self.bus.WLAST <= 1 else: self.bus.WLAST <= 0 while True: await RisingEdge(self.clock) if self.bus.WREADY.value: break if beat_num == len(data) - 1: self.bus.WVALID <= 0
[docs] @cocotb.coroutine async def write( self, address: int, value: Union[int, Sequence[int]], *, size: Optional[int] = None, burst: AXIBurst = AXIBurst.INCR, byte_enable: Union[Optional[int], Sequence[Optional[int]]] = None, address_latency: int = 0, data_latency: int = 0, sync: bool = True ) -> None: """Write a value to an address. With unaligned writes (when ``address`` is not a multiple of ``size``), only the low ``size - address % size`` Bytes are written for: * the last element of ``value`` for INCR or WRAP bursts, or * every element of ``value`` for FIXED bursts. Args: address: The address to write to. value: The data value(s) to write. size: The size (in bytes) of each beat. Defaults to None (width of the data bus). burst: The burst type, either ``FIXED``, ``INCR`` or ``WRAP``. Defaults to ``INCR``. byte_enable: Which bytes in value to actually write. Defaults to None (write all bytes). address_latency: Delay before setting the address (in clock cycles). Default is no delay. data_latency: Delay before setting the data value (in clock cycles). Default is no delay. sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If any of the input parameters is invalid. AXIProtocolError: If write response from AXI is not ``OKAY``. """ if not isinstance(value, value = (value,) # If value is not a sequence, make it if not isinstance(byte_enable, byte_enable = (byte_enable,) # Same for byte_enable if size is None: size = len(self.bus.WDATA) // 8 else: AXI4Master._check_size(size, len(self.bus.WDATA) // 8) AXI4Master._check_length(len(value), burst) AXI4Master._check_4kB_boundary_crossing(address, burst, size, len(value)) write_address = self._send_write_address(address, len(value), burst, size, address_latency, sync) write_data = self._send_write_data(address, value, burst, size, data_latency, byte_enable, sync) await Combine(cocotb.fork(write_address), cocotb.fork(write_data)) async with self.write_response_busy: # Wait for the response while True: await ReadOnly() if self.bus.BVALID.value and self.bus.BREADY.value: result = AXIxRESP(self.bus.BRESP.value.integer) break await RisingEdge(self.clock) await RisingEdge(self.clock) if result is not AXIxRESP.OKAY: err_msg = "Write to address {0:#x}" if len(value) != 1: err_msg += " ({1} beats, {2} burst)" err_msg += " failed with BRESP: {3} ({4})" raise AXIProtocolError( err_msg.format(address, len(value),, result.value,, result)
[docs] @cocotb.coroutine async def read( self, address: int, length: int = 1, *, size: Optional[int] = None, burst: AXIBurst = AXIBurst.INCR, return_rresp: bool = False, sync: bool = True ) -> Union[List[BinaryValue], List[Tuple[BinaryValue, AXIxRESP]]]: """Read from an address. With unaligned reads (when ``address`` is not a multiple of ``size``) with INCR or WRAP bursts, the last element of the returned read data will be only the low-order ``size - address % size`` Bytes of the last word. With unaligned reads with FIXED bursts, every element of the returned read data will be only the low-order ``size - address % size`` Bytes. Args: address: The address to read from. length: Number of words to transfer. Defaults to 1. size: The size (in bytes) of each beat. Defaults to None (width of the data bus). burst: The burst type, either ``FIXED``, ``INCR`` or ``WRAP``. Defaults to ``INCR``. return_rresp: Return the list of RRESP values, instead of raising an AXIProtocolError in case of not OKAY. Defaults to False. sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially. Defaults to True. Returns: The read data values or, if *return_rresp* is True, a list of pairs each containing the data and RRESP values.- Raises: ValueError: If any of the input parameters is invalid. AXIProtocolError: If read response from AXI is not ``OKAY`` and *return_rresp* is False AXIReadBurstLengthMismatch: If the received number of words does not match the requested one. """ # Helper function for narrow bursts def shift_and_mask(binvalue: BinaryValue, bytes_num: int, byte_shift: int) -> BinaryValue: start = byte_shift * 8 end = (bytes_num + byte_shift) * 8 return binvalue[len(binvalue) - end:len(binvalue) - start - 1] # [0x221100XX, 0x66554433] --> [0x33221100, 0x665544] def realign_data( data: Sequence[BinaryValue], size_bits: int, shift: int ) -> List[BinaryValue]: binstr_join = "".join([word.binstr[::-1] for word in data]) binstr_join = binstr_join[shift:] data_binstr = [binstr_join[i * size_bits:(i + 1) * size_bits][::-1] for i in range(len(data))] return [BinaryValue(value=binstr, n_bits=len(binstr)) for binstr in data_binstr] if size is None: size = len(self.bus.RDATA) // 8 else: AXI4Master._check_size(size, len(self.bus.RDATA) // 8) AXI4Master._check_length(length, burst) AXI4Master._check_4kB_boundary_crossing(address, burst, size, length) rdata_bytes = len(self.bus.RDATA) // 8 byte_offset = (address % rdata_bytes) // size * size async with self.read_address_busy: if sync: await RisingEdge(self.clock) self.bus.ARADDR <= address self.bus.ARVALID <= 1 if hasattr(self.bus, "ARLEN"): self.bus.ARLEN <= length - 1 if hasattr(self.bus, "ARSIZE"): self.bus.ARSIZE <= size.bit_length() - 1 if hasattr(self.bus, "ARBURST"): self.bus.ARBURST <= burst.value while True: await ReadOnly() if self.bus.ARREADY.value: break await RisingEdge(self.clock) await RisingEdge(self.clock) self.bus.ARVALID <= 0 async with self.read_data_busy: data = [] rresp = [] for beat_num in itertools.count(): while True: await ReadOnly() if self.bus.RVALID.value and self.bus.RREADY.value: # Shift and mask to correctly handle narrow bursts beat_value = shift_and_mask(self.bus.RDATA.value, size, byte_offset) data.append(beat_value) rresp.append(AXIxRESP(self.bus.RRESP.value.integer)) if burst is not AXIBurst.FIXED: byte_offset = (byte_offset + size) % rdata_bytes break await RisingEdge(self.clock) if not hasattr(self.bus, "RLAST") or self.bus.RLAST.value: break await RisingEdge(self.clock) await RisingEdge(self.clock) if len(data) != length: raise AXIReadBurstLengthMismatch( "AXI4 slave returned {} data than expected (requested {} " "words, received {})" .format("more" if len(data) > length else "less", length, len(data))) # Re-align the words if address % size != 0: shift = (address % size) * 8 if burst is AXIBurst.FIXED: data = [word[0:size * 8 - shift - 1] for word in data] else: data = realign_data(data, size * 8, shift) if return_rresp: return list(zip(data, rresp)) else: for beat_number, beat_result in enumerate(rresp): if beat_result is not AXIxRESP.OKAY: err_msg = "Read on address {0:#x}" if length != 1: err_msg += " (beat {1} of {2}, {3} burst)" err_msg += " failed with RRESP: {4} ({5})" err_msg = err_msg.format( address, beat_number + 1, length, burst, beat_result.value, raise AXIProtocolError(err_msg, beat_result) return data
def __len__(self): return 2**len(self.bus.ARADDR)
[docs]class AXI4LiteMaster(AXI4Master): """AXI4-Lite Master""" _signals = ["AWVALID", "AWADDR", "AWREADY", # Write address channel "WVALID", "WREADY", "WDATA", "WSTRB", # Write data channel "BVALID", "BREADY", "BRESP", # Write response channel "ARVALID", "ARADDR", "ARREADY", # Read address channel "RVALID", "RREADY", "RRESP", "RDATA"] # Read data channel _optional_signals = []
[docs] @cocotb.coroutine async def write( self, address: int, value: int, byte_enable: Optional[int] = None, address_latency: int = 0, data_latency: int = 0, sync: bool = True ) -> BinaryValue: """Write a value to an address. Args: address: The address to write to. value: The data value to write. byte_enable: Which bytes in value to actually write. Defaults to None (write all bytes). address_latency: Delay before setting the address (in clock cycles). Default is no delay. data_latency: Delay before setting the data value (in clock cycles). Default is no delay. sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially. Defaults to True. Returns: The write response value. Raises: ValueError: If any of the input parameters is invalid. AXIProtocolError: If write response from AXI is not ``OKAY``. """ if isinstance(value, raise ValueError("AXI4-Lite does not support burst transfers") await super().write( address=address, value=value, size=None, burst=AXIBurst.INCR, byte_enable=byte_enable, address_latency=address_latency, data_latency=data_latency, sync=sync) # Needed for backwards compatibility return BinaryValue(value=AXIxRESP.OKAY.value, n_bits=2)
[docs] @cocotb.coroutine async def read(self, address: int, sync: bool = True) -> BinaryValue: """Read from an address. Args: address: The address to read from. length: Number of words to transfer sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially. Defaults to True. Returns: The read data value. Raises: AXIProtocolError: If read response from AXI is not ``OKAY``. """ ret = await super().read(address=address, length=1, size=None, burst=AXIBurst.INCR, return_rresp=False, sync=sync) return ret[0]
[docs]class AXI4Slave(BusDriver): ''' AXI4 Slave Monitors an internal memory and handles read and write requests. ''' _signals = [ "ARREADY", "ARVALID", "ARADDR", # Read address channel "ARLEN", "ARSIZE", "ARBURST", "ARPROT", "RREADY", "RVALID", "RDATA", "RLAST", # Read response channel "AWREADY", "AWADDR", "AWVALID", # Write address channel "AWPROT", "AWSIZE", "AWBURST", "AWLEN", "WREADY", "WVALID", "WDATA", ] # Not currently supported by this driver _optional_signals = [ "WLAST", "WSTRB", "BVALID", "BREADY", "BRESP", "RRESP", "RCOUNT", "WCOUNT", "RACOUNT", "WACOUNT", "ARLOCK", "AWLOCK", "ARCACHE", "AWCACHE", "ARQOS", "AWQOS", "ARID", "AWID", "BID", "RID", "WID" ] def __init__(self, entity, name, clock, memory, callback=None, event=None, big_endian=False, **kwargs): BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, name, clock, **kwargs) self.clock = clock self.big_endian = big_endian self.bus.ARREADY.setimmediatevalue(1) self.bus.RVALID.setimmediatevalue(0) self.bus.RLAST.setimmediatevalue(0) self.bus.AWREADY.setimmediatevalue(1) self._memory = memory self.write_address_busy = Lock("%s_wabusy" % name) self.read_address_busy = Lock("%s_rabusy" % name) self.write_data_busy = Lock("%s_wbusy" % name) cocotb.fork(self._read_data()) cocotb.fork(self._write_data()) def _size_to_bytes_in_beat(self, AxSIZE): if AxSIZE < 7: return 2 ** AxSIZE return None async def _write_data(self): clock_re = RisingEdge(self.clock) while True: while True: self.bus.WREADY <= 0 await ReadOnly() if self.bus.AWVALID.value: self.bus.WREADY <= 1 break await clock_re await ReadOnly() _awaddr = int(self.bus.AWADDR) _awlen = int(self.bus.AWLEN) _awsize = int(self.bus.AWSIZE) _awburst = int(self.bus.AWBURST) _awprot = int(self.bus.AWPROT) burst_length = _awlen + 1 bytes_in_beat = self._size_to_bytes_in_beat(_awsize) if __debug__: self.log.debug( "AWADDR %d\n" % _awaddr + "AWLEN %d\n" % _awlen + "AWSIZE %d\n" % _awsize + "AWBURST %d\n" % _awburst + "AWPROT %d\n" % _awprot + "BURST_LENGTH %d\n" % burst_length + "Bytes in beat %d\n" % bytes_in_beat) burst_count = burst_length await clock_re while True: if self.bus.WVALID.value: word = self.bus.WDATA.value word.big_endian = self.big_endian _burst_diff = burst_length - burst_count _st = _awaddr + (_burst_diff * bytes_in_beat) # start _end = _awaddr + ((_burst_diff + 1) * bytes_in_beat) # end self._memory[_st:_end] = array.array('B', word.buff) burst_count -= 1 if burst_count == 0: break await clock_re async def _read_data(self): clock_re = RisingEdge(self.clock) while True: while True: await ReadOnly() if self.bus.ARVALID.value: break await clock_re await ReadOnly() _araddr = int(self.bus.ARADDR) _arlen = int(self.bus.ARLEN) _arsize = int(self.bus.ARSIZE) _arburst = int(self.bus.ARBURST) _arprot = int(self.bus.ARPROT) burst_length = _arlen + 1 bytes_in_beat = self._size_to_bytes_in_beat(_arsize) word = BinaryValue(n_bits=bytes_in_beat*8, bigEndian=self.big_endian) if __debug__: self.log.debug( "ARADDR %d\n" % _araddr + "ARLEN %d\n" % _arlen + "ARSIZE %d\n" % _arsize + "ARBURST %d\n" % _arburst + "ARPROT %d\n" % _arprot + "BURST_LENGTH %d\n" % burst_length + "Bytes in beat %d\n" % bytes_in_beat) burst_count = burst_length await clock_re while True: self.bus.RVALID <= 1 await ReadOnly() if self.bus.RREADY.value: _burst_diff = burst_length - burst_count _st = _araddr + (_burst_diff * bytes_in_beat) _end = _araddr + ((_burst_diff + 1) * bytes_in_beat) word.buff = self._memory[_st:_end].tobytes() self.bus.RDATA <= word if burst_count == 1: self.bus.RLAST <= 1 await clock_re burst_count -= 1 self.bus.RLAST <= 0 if burst_count == 0: break