Source code for cocotb_bus.scoreboard

# Copyright cocotb contributors
# Copyright (c) 2013 Potential Ventures Ltd
# Copyright (c) 2013 SolarFlare Communications Inc
# Licensed under the Revised BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Common scoreboarding capability."""

import logging

from cocotb.utils import hexdump, hexdiffs
from cocotb.log import SimLog
from cocotb.result import TestFailure, TestSuccess

from cocotb_bus.monitors import Monitor

[docs]class Scoreboard: """Generic scoreboarding class. We can add interfaces by providing a monitor and an expected output queue. The expected output can either be a function which provides a transaction or a simple list containing the expected output. TODO: Statistics for end-of-test summary etc. Args: dut (SimHandle): Handle to the DUT. reorder_depth (int, optional): Consider up to `reorder_depth` elements of the expected result list as passing matches. Default is 0, meaning only the first element in the expected result list is considered for a passing match. fail_immediately (bool, optional): Raise :any:`TestFailure` immediately when something is wrong instead of just recording an error. Default is ``True``. """ def __init__(self, dut, reorder_depth=0, fail_immediately=True): # FIXME: reorder_depth needed here? self.dut = dut self.log = SimLog("cocotb.scoreboard.%s" % self.dut._name) self.errors = 0 self.expected = {} self._imm = fail_immediately @property def result(self): """Determine the test result, do we have any pending data remaining? Returns: :any:`TestFailure`: If not all expected output was received or error were recorded during the test. """ fail = False for monitor, expected_output in self.expected.items(): if callable(expected_output): self.log.debug("Can't check all data returned for %s since " "expected output is callable function rather " "than a list" % str(monitor)) continue if len(expected_output): self.log.warning("Still expecting %d transactions on %s" % (len(expected_output), str(monitor))) for index, transaction in enumerate(expected_output):"Expecting %d:\n%s" % (index, hexdump(str(transaction)))) if index > 5:"... and %d more to come" % (len(expected_output) - index - 1)) break fail = True if fail: return TestFailure("Not all expected output was received") if self.errors: return TestFailure("Errors were recorded during the test") return TestSuccess()
[docs] def compare(self, got, exp, log, strict_type=True): """Common function for comparing two transactions. Can be re-implemented by a sub-class. Args: got: The received transaction. exp: The expected transaction. log: The logger for reporting messages. strict_type (bool, optional): Require transaction type to match exactly if ``True``, otherwise compare its string representation. Raises: :any:`TestFailure`: If received transaction differed from expected transaction when :attr:`fail_immediately` is ``True``. If *strict_type* is ``True``, also the transaction type must match. """ # Compare the types if strict_type and type(got) != type(exp): self.errors += 1 log.error("Received transaction type is different than expected")"Received: %s but expected %s" % (str(type(got)), str(type(exp)))) if self._imm: raise TestFailure("Received transaction of wrong type. " "Set strict_type=False to avoid this.") return # Or convert to a string before comparison elif not strict_type: got, exp = str(got), str(exp) # Compare directly if got != exp: self.errors += 1 # Try our best to print out something useful strgot, strexp = str(got), str(exp) log.error("Received transaction differed from expected output") if not strict_type:"Expected:\n" + hexdump(strexp)) else:"Expected:\n" + repr(exp)) if not isinstance(exp, str): try: for word in exp: except Exception: pass if not strict_type:"Received:\n" + hexdump(strgot)) else:"Received:\n" + repr(got)) if not isinstance(got, str): try: for word in got: except Exception: pass log.warning("Difference:\n%s" % hexdiffs(strexp, strgot)) if self._imm: raise TestFailure("Received transaction differed from expected " "transaction") else: # Don't want to fail the test # if we're passed something without __len__ try: log.debug("Received expected transaction %d bytes" % (len(got))) log.debug(repr(got)) except Exception: pass
[docs] def add_interface(self, monitor, expected_output, compare_fn=None, reorder_depth=0, strict_type=True): """Add an interface to be scoreboarded. Provides a function which the monitor will callback with received transactions. Simply check against the expected output. Args: monitor: The monitor object. expected_output: Queue of expected outputs. compare_fn (callable, optional): Function doing the actual comparison. reorder_depth (int, optional): Consider up to *reorder_depth* elements of the expected result list as passing matches. Default is 0, meaning only the first element in the expected result list is considered for a passing match. strict_type (bool, optional): Require transaction type to match exactly if ``True``, otherwise compare its string representation. Raises: :any:`TypeError`: If no monitor is on the interface or *compare_fn* is not a callable function. """ # save a handle to the expected output so we can check if all expected # data has been received at the end of a test. self.expected[monitor] = expected_output # Enforce some type checking as we only work with a real monitor if not isinstance(monitor, Monitor): raise TypeError("Expected monitor on the interface but got %s" % (type(monitor).__qualname__)) if compare_fn is not None: if callable(compare_fn): monitor.add_callback(compare_fn) return raise TypeError("Expected a callable compare function but got %s" % str(type(compare_fn)))"Created with reorder_depth %d" % reorder_depth) def check_received_transaction(transaction): """Called back by the monitor when a new transaction has been received.""" if log_name = + '.' + else: log_name = + '.' + type(monitor).__qualname__ log = logging.getLogger(log_name) if callable(expected_output): exp = expected_output(transaction) elif len(expected_output): # we expect something for i in range(min((reorder_depth + 1), len(expected_output))): if expected_output[i] == transaction: break # break out of enclosing for loop else: # run when for loop is exhausted (but no break occurs) i = 0 exp = expected_output.pop(i) else: self.errors += 1 log.error("Received a transaction but wasn't expecting " "anything")"Got: %s" % (hexdump(str(transaction)))) if self._imm: raise TestFailure("Received a transaction but wasn't " "expecting anything") return, exp, log, strict_type=strict_type) monitor.add_callback(check_received_transaction)