Source code for cocotb_bus.bus

# Copyright cocotb contributors
# Copyright (c) 2013 Potential Ventures Ltd
# Copyright (c) 2013 SolarFlare Communications Inc
# Licensed under the Revised BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Common bus related functionality.
A bus is simply defined as a collection of signals.
from cocotb.handle import _AssignmentResult

def _build_sig_attr_dict(signals):
    if isinstance(signals, dict):
        return signals
        return {sig: sig for sig in signals}

[docs]class Bus: """Wraps up a collection of signals. Assumes we have a set of signals/nets named ``entity.<bus_name><separator><signal>``. For example a bus ``stream_in`` with signals ``valid`` and ``data`` is assumed to be named ``dut.stream_in_valid`` and ``dut.stream_in_data`` (with the default separator '_'). TODO: Support for ``struct``/``record`` ports where signals are member names. """ def __init__(self, entity, name, signals, optional_signals=[], bus_separator="_", array_idx=None): """ Args: entity (SimHandle): :any:`SimHandle` instance to the entity containing the bus. name (str): Name of the bus. ``None`` for a nameless bus, e.g. bus-signals in an interface or a ``modport`` (untested on ``struct``/``record``, but could work here as well). signals (list or dict): In the case of an object (passed to :func:`drive`/:func:`capture`) that has the same attribute names as the signal names of the bus, the *signals* argument can be a list of those names. When the object has different attribute names, the *signals* argument should be a dict that maps bus attribute names to object signal names. optional_signals (list or dict, optional): Signals that don't have to be present on the interface. See the *signals* argument above for details. bus_separator (str, optional): Character(s) to use as separator between bus name and signal name. Defaults to '_'. array_idx (int or None, optional): Optional index when signal is an array. """ self._entity = entity self._name = name self._signals = {} for attr_name, sig_name in _build_sig_attr_dict(signals).items(): if name: signame = name + bus_separator + sig_name else: signame = sig_name self._add_signal(attr_name, signame, array_idx) # Also support a set of optional signals that don't have to be present for attr_name, sig_name in _build_sig_attr_dict(optional_signals).items(): if name: signame = name + bus_separator + sig_name else: signame = sig_name if hasattr(entity, signame): self._add_signal(attr_name, signame, array_idx) else: self._entity._log.debug("Ignoring optional missing signal " "%s on bus %s" % (sig_name, name)) def _add_signal(self, attr_name, signame, array_idx=None): self._entity._log.debug("Signal name {}, idx {}".format(signame, array_idx)) handle = getattr(self._entity, signame) if array_idx is not None: handle = handle[array_idx] setattr(self, attr_name, handle) self._signals[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name)
[docs] def drive(self, obj, strict=False): """Drives values onto the bus. Args: obj: Object with attribute names that match the bus signals. strict (bool, optional): Check that all signals are being assigned. Raises: AttributeError: If not all signals have been assigned when ``strict=True``. """ for attr_name, hdl in self._signals.items(): if not hasattr(obj, attr_name): if strict: msg = ("Unable to drive onto {0}.{1} because {2} is missing " "attribute {3}".format(self._entity._name, self._name, type(obj).__qualname__, attr_name)) raise AttributeError(msg) else: continue val = getattr(obj, attr_name) hdl <= val
[docs] def capture(self): """Capture the values from the bus, returning an object representing the capture. Returns: dict: A dictionary that supports access by attribute, where each attribute corresponds to each signal's value. Raises: RuntimeError: If signal not present in bus, or attempt to modify a bus capture. """ class _Capture(dict): def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self: return self[name] else: raise RuntimeError('Signal {} not present in bus'.format(name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise RuntimeError('Modifying a bus capture is not supported') def __delattr__(self, name): raise RuntimeError('Modifying a bus capture is not supported') _capture = _Capture() for attr_name, hdl in self._signals.items(): _capture[attr_name] = hdl.value return _capture
[docs] def sample(self, obj, strict=False): """Sample the values from the bus, assigning them to *obj*. Args: obj: Object with attribute names that match the bus signals. strict (bool, optional): Check that all signals being sampled are present in *obj*. Raises: AttributeError: If attribute is missing in *obj* when ``strict=True``. """ for attr_name, hdl in self._signals.items(): if not hasattr(obj, attr_name): if strict: msg = ("Unable to sample from {0}.{1} because {2} is missing " "attribute {3}".format(self._entity._name, self._name, type(obj).__qualname__, attr_name)) raise AttributeError(msg) else: continue # Try to use the get/set_binstr methods because they will not clobber the properties # of obj.attr_name on assignment. Otherwise use setattr() to crush whatever type of # object was in obj.attr_name with hdl.value: try: getattr(obj, attr_name).set_binstr(hdl.value.get_binstr()) except AttributeError: setattr(obj, attr_name, hdl.value)
def __le__(self, value): """Overload the less than or equal to operator for value assignment""" return _AssignmentResult(self, value)